How To Access Report Cards & IPP
Your child/dependent’s report card is in the PowerSchool Public Portal. The digital report card is available roughly 1 week after the Semester ends. Quarter classes will be represented on the Semester Report Card.
Parents and students can also log into PowerSchool to see the final evaluation.
How To Access The Report Card
Located on the PowerSchool Public Portal, you will find the Report Card Icon at the bottom left of the page.
When schools have finalized the report card, you will have access to the view, print and download the document. The online report card will be available as long as your child is in RVS.
Only parents/guardians who have access to the PowerSchool Public Portal will view the report card. Students also can view their report cards by signing in with their RVS credentials. If you do not have a public portal account, please get in touch with our school secretary.
High School Report Card Information
Mark submission is governed by provincial guidelines in PASI (Provincial Approach to Student Information). Marks under 25% are not submitted to PASI and are not on a student's transcript. Post-Secondary only use transcript marks for entrance. RVSOHS reports all courses where a student has attempted to complete it. Therefore, if a mark is under 25% on the report card, you can be confident it is not on the student transcript.
Individual Program Plan

- Choose SSP Sign-Off/Live View
- Then click on the blue link- "IPP for..."
- Download to computer