Grade 9 Information - Getting Ready for Grade 10
Welcome to Summit Trails Online High School! We are thrilled to have you join us as you move from grade 9 to grade 10. As you enter this new phase of your academic journey, we want you to know that our dedicated team of educators is here to support you every step of the way.
At Summit Trails, we offer a rigorous and engaging online learning environment that is designed to help you achieve your full potential. Our Alberta high-quality curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of online students, and our experienced teachers are committed to connecting with their students.
As you begin your grade 10 year, we encourage you to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities that Summit Trails has to offer. Whether you are looking to challenge yourself academically, explore new interests, or connect with like-minded peers, go for it!
We look forward to working with you and helping you reach your goals. Best of luck in your academic journey at Summit Trails Online High School!
Grade 10 Math
To enroll in Math 10C, students must have completed Grade 9 Math at the "beginning level or more" (60% and above). Those who did not pass Grade 9 Math or have a limited or emerging understanding will be placed in Math 15 if they wish to take Math 10C in the following semester. Students must successfully complete (60%) the self-paced Math 15 course to qualify for Math 10C. They will receive 5 credits for the Math 15 course and 5 credits for the Math 10C course. If they do not pass Math 15, they will be placed in Math 10–3 for semester 2.
Additionally, students who did not pass Grade 9 Math and do not enroll in Math 15 will also be placed in Math 10–3 for the second semester. Math 10-3 is still on track for diploma. See the video below for more explanation.
Understanding High School Streams and Choosing Courses
What Are Asynchronous and Synchronous Courses?
Student Orientation
Parent Orientation
Meet the Staff!
Parent Orientation Meeting and Course Pick Grade 10
How the Guidance Counsellor works with families throughout the year & Course Selection
Math 10C - Important Information to Know!
For students who have not passed their grade 9 math (55%) and wish to take Math 10C, they will be enrolled in Math 15, an asynchronous prep course for Semester 1. If they pass this course, they can take Math 10C in Semester 2. If they do not complete the course, they will be enrolled in Math 10-3, which also leads to a diploma. We consistently find that students struggling in grade 9 math are unlikely to pass Math 10C without the prep course.