Note from student: Thank you for the wonderful celebration! I enjoyed it very much, especially how it was on the shorter side. Considering I'm very anxious when it comes to events, the space and timing made it all very manageable for me and I had a fantastic time. The choice of the carrot cupcakes was great too because those are my personal favorites! I got many photos during and after the ceremony, and I thank you dearly for making it all feel so special.
These will be times I will never forget! Thank you!
2025 Important Dates
March 11th - 13th - Graduation Photos
March 17th @ 9:30 am - Grade 12 Meeting - Mr. Smith's Zoom (see calendar)
- Tickets open on School Cash
April 9th - Valedictorian Application Opens
April 22nd - Valedictorian Application Due
May 5th @ 9:30 am - Walking the Stage - Grad Meeting - Mr. Smith Zoom (see calendar)
Friday, May 9th - Grad Boxes are picked up at three locations (Airdrie, Cochrane & Chestermere)
Wednesday, May 21st - Ceremony (see more below)
Arrive at 6:00 pm - on time, please
Photo at 6:05pm with students only - across the parking lot at the lake
Ceremony Begins 6:30 pm
Reception 7:30 pm (Dessert and Drinks) in the foyer of the Theatre.
Principal's Message
Graduation is an academic celebration of years of hard work. Congratulations on making it this far. To make it a meaningful event requires your active participation. You can participate by:
- Being informed about diploma requirements and ensuring that you have passed or are registered in all the necessary courses to earn your diploma by the end of June.
- Watching for and reading any grad information in the monthly newsletters on the school website.
- The Ceremony is an event. Your actual diploma comes from Alberta Education and is mailed to your address once you have completed all your diplomas and the proper course requirements.
Celebrating graduation is an exciting time in your life. By working together, we can ensure your memory of it is special. I look forward to a wonderful grade 12 year, culminating in celebrating your educational journey. Summit Trails has students all across Alberta and some will graduate from us only requiring a couple of courses. Because of this, we do not have Honour Roll recognition or a Prom. We encourage students to meet with friends, etc., for a more intimate celebration. Summit Trails organizes the ceremony only.
Road to Graduation
- You must double-check that you are registered in the necessary credits and courses to fulfill high school diploma requirements by the end of your graduation year. See below.
- Complete assigned work to a passing standard.
- Must be in good standing to walk the stage.
- Students must maintain above a 50% in all courses required for their diploma up to the graduation date (May 15).
You are responsible for checking the accuracy of the information needed for graduation using myPass.
(high school courses, marks, credit totals, demographic and birthdate information)
"Grad Boxes"
A week before graduation, we will be releasing graduation boxes. These boxes will contain your gown, cap, invitation, and more. You can pick up these boxes from our locations in Airdrie, Chestermere or Cochrane. If you live outside of RVS, please let us know, and we can send the package to you for an additional postage cost.
Pick Up Day: May 9th, 2025
9 am to 1 pm - pick up times
If you live in Cochrane Area (West)
RVS Community Learning Centre (CLC) - Cochrane
228 River Avenue
Cochrane, AB T4C 1C2 Phone: (403) 235-0294
If you live centrally - Airdrie
CW Perry School / Summit Trails
186 Sagewood Blvd. SW
Airdrie, AB T4B 3A6
P: 403-945-4197
If you live east - Chestermere
RVS Community Learning Centre (CLC) - Chestermere
133 Main Street
Chestermere, AB T1X 1V3 Phone: (403) 235-0294
If you miss the pick-up day, all boxes will reside at the Airdrie Office starting May 12th
Grad Fees
Amount: $75.00
This is to offset the expenses for Grad, which include; Grad cap, gown, tassel, certificate, theatre rental, etc.
Donations to Grad Fees
Some of our families are facing financial difficulties and are unable to pay for their children's graduation fees. We are seeking donations to help support these students so they can participate in the graduation ceremony. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a big difference in these students' lives. Donations over $20 are eligible for a taxable receipt, and if you choose to donate, please select Summit Trails and write "GRADUATION" in the comment section. Thank you for your generosity and support.
Ceremony Information
Date: Wednesday, May 21st , 2025
Time: 6:30 pm, Doors open at 6:00 pm
6:05 pm Student Picture at the lake beside Bert Church (across the parking lot)
Reception: Dessert 7:30 pm
Location: Bert Church Theatre
Ticket Cost: $5 for guests only (not students)
Students are asked to arrive no earlier than 6:00 pm
Dressed in their grad gown, ready to go.
No more than 5 guests per student (after the initial offering, families can request more tickets by calling or emailing the school)
- Gown, Cap, Tassel, Brochure